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Leetcode - search-suggestions-system

Heap - top buzz words

violet posted @ Feb 28, 2020 03:26:29 AM in 算法 with tags Algorithm Heap array , 416 阅读

Given a list of nail polishes and some collected posted repo on Instagram, you need to find the top words.

nail polish = ["OPI", "ColorClub", "CirqueColor", "DanceLegend", "Masura"]

repo = [

"OPI Original Nail Envy is a nail strengthener with wheat protein",

"ColorClub is a spa brand that is loved for it's great value and bright colors",

"As a top choice for professionals ColorClub is often featured in Nails Magazine.",

"Create amazingly transformed, and unique,  nails with DanceLegend spot-inducing blue top coat! DanceLegend Aquele importado top! "

"Um esmalte holográfico que vale a pena repetir vou reproduzir uma nail art do ano passado e por isso passei ele novamente ColorClub don’t harp on it"

"Booom diaaa! DanceLegend E voltando a programação normal do blog, temos um importadinho na área!"


Result: ["colorclub",  "dancelegend"]


Use map and a help struct to count the word frequency. And init all struct into a heap with specified sort method. And then pop top times and collect all the names of nail polishes.

func main() {
	polishes := []string{"OPI", "ColorClub", "CirqueColor", "DanceLegend", "Masura"}
	repos := []string{
		"OPI Original Nail Envy is a nail strengthener with wheat protein",
		"ColorClub is a spa brand that is loved for it's great value and bright colors",
		"As a top choice for professionals ColorClub is often featured in Nails Magazine.",
		"Create amazingly transformed, and unique,  nails with DanceLegend spot-inducing blue top coat! DanceLegend Aquele importado top! ",
		"Um esmalte holográfico que vale a pena repetir vou reproduzir uma nail art do ano passado e por isso passei ele novamente ColorClub don’t harp on it",
		"Booom diaaa! DanceLegend E voltando a programação normal do blog, temos um importadinho na área!",
	topPolishes := 2

	result := sortPolish(polishes, repos, topPolishes)
	fmt.Println("result: ", result)

type Polish struct {
	name      string
	wordCount int
	repoCount map[int]bool

type PolishHeap []Polish

func (h PolishHeap) Len() int { return len(h) }
func (h PolishHeap) Less(i, j int) bool {
	if h[i].wordCount < h[j].wordCount {
		return false
	} else if h[i].wordCount == h[j].wordCount {
		if len(h[i].repoCount) < len(h[j].repoCount) {
			return false
	return true
func (h PolishHeap) Swap(i, j int) { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }

func (h *PolishHeap) Push(x interface{}) {
	// Push and Pop use pointer receivers because they modify the slice's length,
	// not just its contents.
	*h = append(*h, x.(Polish))

func (h *PolishHeap) Pop() interface{} {
	old := *h
	n := len(old)
	x := old[n-1]
	*h = old[0 : n-1]
	return x

func sortPolish(polishes []string, repoStr []string, topPolishes int) []string {
	polishMap := map[string]bool{}
	for _, t := range polishes {
		polishMap[strings.ToLower(t)] = true
	repoMap := map[string]*Polish{}
	for i, q := range repoStr {
		q = strings.ToLower(q)
		repos := strings.Split(q, " ")
		for _, str := range repos {
			if polishMap[str] {
				if _, ok := repoMap[str]; ok {
					repoMap[str].repoCount[i] = true
				} else {
					repoMap[str] = &Polish{
						name:      str,
						wordCount: 1,
						repoCount: map[int]bool{
							i: true,
	if len(repoMap) == 0 {
		return []string{}

	repoHeap := &PolishHeap{}
	for _, val := range repoMap {
		*repoHeap = append(*repoHeap, *val)

	result := []string{}
	for i := 0; i < topPolishes; i++ {
		poped := heap.Pop(repoHeap).(Polish)
		result = append(result, poped.name)

	return result



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