Leetcode - Index Pairs of a String

读书笔记 - 字符串匹配

violet posted @ 5 年前 in 读书笔记 with tags Algorithm Golang KMP , 325 阅读

KMP 算法

利用 dfa 状态机。




Boyer-Moore 从右向左扫描字符串。

Rabin-Karp 指纹字符串查找算法


charlly 说:
2 年前

Popular website Leetcode offers coding practise tests. Finding the index pairs of a given string is one form of query. This query is frequently asked in coding interviews. rheumatology tests The indices that correspond to the same character in a string are known as index pairs.

admitcard-hallticket 说:
大约 1 年前

Board SSC or 10th Admit Card 2024, SSC Hall Ticket Board SSC, 10th Admit Card 2024. Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education conducts class 10th examination every year. admitcard-halltickets.in This year it will conduct the SSC exam in the month of April 2024. Every year thousands of candidates appear for it. They will be provided Board SSC Admit Card 2024 before the exam. You will be told all the information about it here.

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