Leetcode - Index Pairs of a String
Go Channel Practice IV - Token Bucket

设计模式 - 工厂模式

violet posted @ Jun 27, 2020 01:53:47 AM in 读书笔记 with tags Design Pattern , 301 阅读






package main

import (

type Shape interface {

type Rectangle struct{}

type Square struct{}

type Circle struct{}

func (r *Rectangle) Draw() {
    fmt.Println("rectangle draw")

func (s *Square) Draw() {
    fmt.Println("square draw")

func (c *Circle) Draw() {
    fmt.Println("circle draw")

func GetShape(str string) Shape {
    switch str {
    case "circle":
        return &Circle{}
    case "rectangle":
        return &Rectangle{}
    case "square":
        return &Square{}

    return nil

func main() {
    shape1 := GetShape("rectangle")

    shape2 := GetShape("square")

    shape3 := GetShape("circle")

  • 无匹配
fiyona cha 说:
Jan 01, 2023 03:32:54 PM

A design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. The factory design pattern is a creational design pattern that separates the process of object creation from its implementation. This allows for new object types to be created without having to modify the code that uses them. The factory method pattern best cbd gummies is a common implementation of the factory design pattern.

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