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设计模式 - 空对象模式

violet posted @ Jul 10, 2020 05:40:17 AM in 笔记 with tags Design Pattern Golang , 235 阅读

在空对象模式(Null Object Pattern)中,一个空对象取代 NULL 对象实例的检查。Null 对象不是检查空值,而是反应一个不做任何动作的关系。这样的 Null 对象也可以在数据不可用的时候提供默认的行为。



package main

import "fmt"

type AbstractCustomer interface {
	IsNil() bool
	GetName() string

type RealCustomer struct {
	Name string

func NewRealCustomer(name string) *RealCustomer {
	return &RealCustomer{
		Name: name,

func (r *RealCustomer) GetName() string {
	return r.Name

func (*RealCustomer) IsNil() bool {
	return false

type NullCustomer struct{}

func (n *NullCustomer) GetName() string {
	return "Not available in customer db"

func (*NullCustomer) IsNil() bool {
	return true

type CustomerFactory struct {
	Names []string

func NewCustomerFacotry() *CustomerFactory {
	return &CustomerFactory{
		Names: []string{"Rob", "Joe", "Julie"},

func (c *CustomerFactory) GetCustomer(name string) AbstractCustomer {
	for _, n := range c.Names {
		if n == name {
			return NewRealCustomer(name)
	return &NullCustomer{}

func main() {
	factory := NewCustomerFacotry()
	customer1 := factory.GetCustomer("Rob")
	customer2 := factory.GetCustomer("Bob")
	customer3 := factory.GetCustomer("Julie")
	customer4 := factory.GetCustomer("Laura")

	fmt.Println("customers: ")
Emma 说:
Jan 18, 2023 03:58:45 PM

The Null Object pattern is a design pattern that is used to represent the absence of a real object of a class. It is often used as a substitute for a null value or a null reference, and it can be used to avoid having to check for null values or references when working with objects. The Lab grown diamonds Null Object pattern typically defines a default or "null" implementation of an interface or abstract class, and it can be used to provide a consistent behavior when an object is not present or not known.

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